Words in bold and blue are links that will help you quickly find the web pages

Firstly, why choose affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is an effective way to earn money on the Internet. However, many people who try affiliate marketing fail. The reason for this is simple – they do not possess the right tools.

With affiliate programs, you don't take unnecessary risks and the investment you put in at the beginning can be recovered very quickly and even make you earn 10 times more.

What tools do you need ?

(don't forget to create an email account for all your affiliate programs because you'll end up with a lot of emails thanking you for joining their programs)

Because you promote products or services online you will need to create a virtual bank account to collect all the commissions you will earn. Paypal is the most popular and does not require you to fulfill any impossible conditions. 

You need a good website in which you will put all your links that you will highlight, you will also need social networks as this is the best way to distribute your links for free. You also need to register on different sites to promote their products or services and be able to earn commission.

Thereafter it will be necessary if you want to evolve to set up your email marketing because it will be a good way for you to keep in touch with your customers but also useful for prospecting?

The following presentation of the tools needed for affiliate marketing has no specific order, you are entitled to follow your intuition on how to implement your strategy.

To start with here are some sites where it is easy to register and also to get the precious link you will promote :

You have the essentials like ClickBank, Cj affiliate ,Sovrn //Commerce, Digistore24....and more  They will allow you to learn quickly because they offer many tips and give you the tools to promote their products or services .Don't forget that you have to be patient in this field and that work pays off sooner or later, so get your links , promote them and then practice again and again and always do one thing after the other because if you throw yourself in all directions at the same time, believe me, you'll be standing still.

Once you have understood the steps to follow, you can go and look for other affiliate programs and the following ones will be useful for your growth in affiliate marketing, so you can already sign up for free and for some of them use what they offer in their free packages.


 - The first one is Systeme.io because it is completely free with interesting features such as the creation of landing pages that will allow you to collect emails, you can also create a blog, create sales funnels, email marketing campaigns, and much more. 

 -You can also use Getresponse but the free version will not allow you to use all the features 

and you have the others :

  - Mailchimp

  - Sender  (the cheapest one )

  - Sendinblue

  - Constant Contact (1 month free)

Feel free to read and compare the advantages of each of them .